How to Pick a Good Vacation Destination

Vacations are a wonderful idea in theory, but in this global age of abundant choices, picking where to take yourself or your family can be overwhelming. Whether you decide on the Alps or the Rockies, the closest beach or a cabin upstate, it is important to factor your activity interests and needs into your travel destination. While a week at a dude ranch might be an ideal getaway for one person, it might be purgatory for someone else, so making your personal preferences a top priority is essential to enjoying your vacation spot.


  1. Decide if you want to vacation in the city or the country to limit your search. For example, if you want to visit museums and eat diverse cuisine, the city is best. Read reviews and summaries on a reputable travel site or news source to see which locations are recommended by travelers and travel critics, and what things there are to do in each place. Usually the destinations will be ranked in order of their popularity or level of endorsement. Write down the ones that appeal to you most.
  2. Choose the month or season in which you plan to travel, because this will in large part determine what places are most suitable for that time of year. Research travel to the destinations you have written down according to your particular travel season or month to decide which locations would be best during that time. Write down your top five choices.
  3. Plan your budget for the vacation. Determine how much you are willing to spend on travel (airfare, train, car), accommodations and activities, and come up with a total amount. Look up tickets and hotels in each of these five locations to determine which best fits your travel budget. Discuss this destination with your travel partners to reach an agreement.
  4. Ask friends, colleagues and relatives if they have ever traveled to your chosen destination, or if they know anyone who has. Ask if they would recommend this location or not, and for any suggestions on activities and places to stay.
  5. Read customer reviews on the hotels you researched earlier or that were recommended to you for your vacation destination to determine which is the best quality for your money and which you will enjoy most. Book the hotel in advance online or by phone.