What to Pack for a Jamaican Vacation

A Jamaican vacation can be a lot of fun for everyone, but not if you don't pack properly. Jamaica is completely surrounded by water, and as such there are certain things that one should pack. For those that want to have the time of their life in paradise, thoughtful, careful packing is a must.

Prepare for the Weather

  • Travelers can rest assured that they will be able to spend a great deal of their Jamaican vacation outside, but it is important to note that it rains often, especially in May and June and from October through December. Outside of the rain, the average temperature is about 80 degrees with high humidity. For this reason it is important to pack extra clothes, and for all kinds of weather. Pack clothes for hot weather and clothes for rainy weather. In Jamaica, coats are not necessary although a light rain slicker might be a good idea.

Don't Forget the Mosquito Repellent

  • Mosquitoes all over the world carry diseases, and with the dense mosquito population in Jamaica, mosquito protection is especially important. Don't be afraid to spend a couple of extra dollars on high-quality, potent insect repellent. You will need to spray it on every time you leave the hotel, so be sure to have plenty of it available.

Pack a Swimsuit or Two

  • Bathing suits are a must-have. Any Jamaican vacation spot is never too far from a beach or pool, and taking a dip in the Caribbean is a great way to cool off from the heat of a Jamaican day. If you forget to pack your swimsuit, you will regret it before too long, and Jamaican swimsuit prices are inflated for convenience.

Stay Protected from the Sun

  • Jamaica is a sunny vacation destination, and that is one of the reasons it is so popular. The very same sun that makes for such beautiful days can also harm the skin, so sunscreen is critical. Pack sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 for optimum protection. Slather it on every time you leave the hotel, even if it doesn't look too sunny and bright.

Pack What You Need for Pictures

  • Whether you are old fashioned or not, be sure that you have everything you need to take plenty of pictures in Jamaica. If you have gone fully digital, invest in a good-sized memory card. If not, pack plenty of film so you can capture all of the memories of your unforgettable Jamaican getaway.