How to Backpack Across America

With its gorgeous coasts, lively cities and breathtaking natural wonders, America is a country with much to offer for any traveler. Backpacking across America is a challenging but rewarding undertaking. With the right amount of planning and a reasonable budget, your trip can be both efficient and epic.

Tips For You

  1. Determine how you want to travel. America has rail and bus systems offering daily routes. Economy airlines often offer low price flights between cities. Some travelers opt to rent cars or RVs for their trips. If you enjoy the outdoors, consider hiking the American Discovery Trail, a trail system connecting the East and West coasts of the country.
  2. Determine your budget. The average cost of traveling in America is $100 a day. Determining the amount of money and time you have available will help you plot out your trip.
  3. Plan your itinerary. America is a vast country with endless sights and activities. Pinpoint what interests you and build a plan, taking into consideration your budget and means of transportation.
  4. Collect the essential gear. Essential items for this type of undertaking include a good-sized, sturdy backpack, quality shoes suitable for both urban and wilderness trekking, clothing suitable for various climates, a first aid kit, money and a map. You may opt to bring electronics such as a laptop computer or smart phone. If you are not an American citizen, you will also require a visa.
  5. Prepare physically. Carrying a backpack can be a strain on the body and when traveling you may find yourself walking more than you are accustomed to. Practice carrying your pack with a full load, and incorporate regular cardiovascular exercise into your routine.
  6. Consult others about their experiences. Other travelers are a great source of information. They often know firsthand which places are dangerous, which motels were a ripoff, and what food will make you ill.
  7. Keep a record of your trip. Maintain a blog or photo-stream of your trip to keep friends and family up to date on your itinerary. Backpacking across America is a trip that you will want to remember.