How to Take a Digital SLR Through an Airport

While 35mm film shooters fret over the number of rolls they've packed and possible X-ray damage, digital shooters breeze through security quickly and without worry. Though security measures have been increased over the past decade, digital cameras are still allowed as carry-on items. In fact, most airports insist that cameras not be checked due to the shifting of luggage during travel. All digital singe-lens reflex cameras can be safely passed through airport scanners without worry of internal damage.

Things You'll Need

  • Camera bag
  • Extra storage cards
  • Extra batteries
  • Sealable plastic bag

Tips For You

  1. Place your DSLR in an appropriately sized camera bag or carrying case. If you will be bringing numerous lenses, pack these along with the camera. Most airlines only allow two to three carry-on items, so try to pack your DSLR and lenses as efficiently as possible.
  2. Insert your extra storage cards and batteries into a sealable plastic bag. Place the plastic bag near the top of the camera bag before closing it. This allows airport security quick and simple access if a thorough check of the camera bag is required.
  3. Sling the camera bag over your shoulder as you walk through the airport toward the security checkpoint. As you approach the checkpoint, have the top of the bag unzipped and open.
  4. Place the open bag into one of the plastic storage bins at the front of the X-ray scanner. If you have a separate bag for lenses or a backup camera, open it and set it in a separate bin. Set the bin(s) on the rollers and proceed through the security checkpoint as normal.
  5. Claim your camera bag(s) at the end of the X-ray scanner. Close the bags and proceed to the appropriate gate to await boarding.