How to Stay Healthy in Cold Weather

Cold weather can bring with it tons of fun. The winter sports, the holiday season, ski trips and cuddle sessions near cozy fires all begin as the weather drops. Unfortunately, cold weather can also bring with it flu season, sore throats, pneumonia and the common cold. Though there's nothing we can do to immunize ourselves completely from these illnesses, there are some preventative measures we can take to reduce our chances of feeling under the weather during cold weather.

Things You'll Need

  • Blankets
  • Cold-weather apparel
  • Tea
  • Vitamins and supplements

Tips For You

  1. Keep warm blankets, thick socks, dry towels, gloves and hats in easily accessible locations, including hall closets, cars and backpacks, though backpacks really only need a back-up pair of socks and gloves in case they become muddy or wet during the day.
  2. Stock up on cold-weather foods, like soups and stews. Keep warm drinks on-hand, as well. Tea can be great for sore throats. Chai tea, green tea, and tea with lemon and honey are all popular in cold weather.
  3. Make sure your family takes multivitamins every day. Serve them with breakfast or dinner, or pack them in lunches before everyone leaves the house.
  4. Keep Airborne or another preventative supplement on-hand if you feel that you will be in close quarters with people for long periods of time, anticipate shaking a lot of hands, know that other kids at school are sick, or are beginning to feel tired or run down yourself. Look for a supplement that contains vitamins like vitamin A, C, E, selenium and zinc.
  5. Place vitamin C drops and sore throat lozenges in your bag or purse. Take them at the onset of cold or flu-like symptoms.
  6. Make an appointment for your family members to receive their flu shots. Stock up on any medications you may be lacking, such as pain relievers, decongestants, and sinus and allergy medicines before the cold weather sets in. This way you'll be prepared should the weather take a turn for the worst. Also make sure your thermometer is functioning properly.
  7. Stay indoors during extremely cold or wet weather. Don't send kids outside with wet hair, and keep their gloves, hats and shoes as dry as possible when they're playing outside for extensive periods.