Girls Weekend Vacation Ideas

Go as far as your mind will take you when planning a weekend away with the girls. Seventy-five percent of women travel, be it culturally, in nature, or for adventure. Whether you decide to plan a lavish vacation, or a leisurely getaway, try to plan a weekend that maximizes your together time with the girls.


  • Spend your girl's weekend chumming with Mother Nature. Rent a campsite or cabin at the closest natural location, keeping in mind that the hot spots may require reservations far in advance. If you're going to be near water, consider renting a boat or jet skis. To keep the camp food exciting, have each woman, or team up into pairs, plan, cook and clean up their favorite meal. After working hard to make one meal, you get the rest of the weekend off.

Shopping Trip

  • Pick the nearest hot spot for great shopping in your region--whether it be South Florida, New York or the Mall of America. Go in on a hotel room with the ladies; keep in mind that you might be able to get a more fabulous room by booking with an online travel company. Research the area's best times for sales and then spend the weekend hunting for bargains. Show off the new clothes by making a reservation at the area's top-rated restaurant.

RV Rental

  • Spend your weekend on the go, in close company with your girlfriends, rent a recreational vehicle for those bonding moments. Having your own RV for the weekend gives you all the benefits of a hotel, with the ability to go anywhere. RVs are available to rent from many different companies, including CruiseAmerica, United RV Rentals and USA RV Rentals. Pick a popular tourist spot a few hours' drive from home and hit the road. Just don't forget the snacks and the tunes.

Spa Getaway

  • With the manicures and pedicures, followed by massages and facials, visiting the spa is the classic relaxing way to spend the weekend. So why not do it with the girls? In most areas, getaway spas are fairly easy to find. While usually not cheap, spending the weekend at a spa can often be worth the expense. Overnight spas typically serve delicious, healthy fare, and put you up in clean, relaxing rooms, so they're also a great way to get back on a healthier path.