Monday, December 15, 2014

Burdock Festival in Starks, Maine

On the roster of summer festivals, Maine's Burdock Festival is distinct. This hybrid event combines a good time with healthy food and educational activities designed to bring more awareness about environmental issues and sustainability. The weeklong gathering features music and celebrations in addition to workshops and discussions for adults and kids alike. Although the festival is geared slightly more toward environmentalists, if you enjoy camping, learning about sustainability and building a sense of community, a trip to the Burdock Festival is fun and enlightening.

Background Information

  • Burdock (Arctium minus) is a weedlike plant with bristly purple flowers that's used as source of wild food and a medicinal tonic by many people in northern Maine. Just as burdock root is used as an alternative medicine, the gathering promotes alternatives to traditional capitalism such as green living, bartering and communal living. The Burdock Gathering brings a diverse group of people together to celebrate the earth and each other while building a sense of community.

Where It Happens

  • East-central Maine has been home to the Burdock Gathering since late July 2002, when it first took place in Starks, 72 miles east of Bangor. In 2013, the festival was moved from its original location in Starks to its new home in Pittston, approximately one hour south of Starks and 50 miles north of Portland.There is no admission fee and everyone is welcome, regardless of whether they can make the requested donation of $5 for each day attended.

Workshops at Burdock

  • In 2013, every morning at Burdock began with yoga and breakfast, followed by a morning circle gathering. Workshops were on topics ranging from cob building and garden work to making solar cell phone chargers, reiki and aerial dance. Kids attending the gathering can choose from workshops such as flow arts, storytelling, tumbling and T-shirt decorating.

Activities at Burdock

  • It's not all about the workshops -- you can also expect to have some fun with fellow festival-goers. Activities include gathering around campfires, swimming and cabaret performances including a puppet show and circus show. Burdock also has a bartering fair where you can trade crafts, books or clothing.


  • The day begins and ends with your festival community. The Burdock experience includes camping in nearby fields. Organizers typically set up a general camping area in addition to an area specifically for families. Meals are also a community affair since they're served in the community kitchen and mostly made from food that everyone's contributed.

What to Bring to Burdock

  • To have a comfortable, enjoyable stay at the Burdock gathering, there are several items that you should plan on bringing with you. In addition to bringing a tent, pillow, sleeping mat and blankets or a sleeping bag for camping, you'll also need bug repellant and dishware such as plates, silverware and mugs. Dogs can be brought along, although they should be kept out of the main camping area during meal time and they must be under owner control at all times.