How to Travel Alone As a Woman

Traveling alone as a woman may be intimidating, but it can also offer adventure and experiences not available on tours or to couples. Here are some tips and suggestions to make your trips safe and memorable.

The first step - Where do you want to go?

  1. Decide if you are going on a tour of Europe for culture and adventure or with girlfriends to a beach for tans and drinks. This will help you progress to step two.
  2.  Check out tours and cruises for possible biases or affiliations
  3. Going it alone: There are cruises and tours for women traveling alone, but they may be lesbian based, which is somethingthat may influence your decision and should be checked out before sending in a deposit.
  4. Know the culture: So that you do not feel as though you are standing out, know the customs of the country such as speaking softly, wearing skirts, no chewing gum, and definitely no warm-up suits.
  5. Check out websites: There are several great websites such as which can give you information about tours, hotels, or help you find other women who are interested in travel.
  6. Consider exchanging your home, or offering hospitality, to other sojourners, which will give your travels a personalfeel and add new connections for possible future trips.