How to Plan a Holiday Getaway

Nothing makes a holiday more fun or exciting than deciding to pack a bag, grab your camera and take a holiday trip. A holiday getaway can mean long travel times, delayed flights and increased costs , though, if you don't plan your trip wisely. Whether you're going out of state or planning a trip around the world, here are some tips to help you plan a great holiday getaway


  1. Start planning early. The holidays are always a hectic time to travel because there are a lot of other people traveling too. Begin making your travel arrangements as far in advance as possible. This will guarantee that hotel rooms will be available, rental cars can be obtained at a reasonable price, plane tickets can be purchased at normal rates instead of the inflated holiday fares and special events can be anticipated and planned out.
  2. Budget for the holiday. Traveling during the holidays is always more expensive than traveling at normal times of the year. Airfare is higher, gas prices tend to skyrocket and there are smaller but necessary expenses, like food and gift purchases, to take into account as well. To avoid this become stressful during your holiday getaway, budget your trip according to a holiday-friendly budget. Account for these extra added expenses and set aside a little more money to cover them so that you can keep track of your money and still have a great time on your trip.
  3. Pack accordingly. If you're hitting the slopes for Christmas, you've already got the sweaters and the parka out and ready to go ski. But if your holiday getaway is taking you somewhere tropical, you will be required to do a little extra packing. Begin packing at least a few days prior to your departure so that you can make sure that everything you will need for your getaway destination has been accounted for, laundered if necessary and packed in the appropriate luggage. This will keep you from rushing around right before you leave and will help eliminate the possibility that you will forget something important.
  4. Look for holiday deals. While the holidays can be an expensive time to travel in some ways, that particular time of year can also be a great time to find exceptional travel deals and discounted travel packages. Look into travel packages that allow you to purchase your airfare, rental car and/or hotel rooms at one rate. Packages like this will often offer a substantial discount for purchasing them together, especially if you book them well in advance of your anticipated travel date.
  5. Account for holiday closures. You will need to visit a variety of places when taking care of your last minute errands and shopping before leaving for your holiday getaway. The bank, pharmacy, dry cleaners and dog boarder are all places that may be important to your pre-travel preparations. Many of these places have shortened hours during the holiday season or are closed for periods of time during the holidays so make sure that you find out if they will have special hours.
  6. Anticipate delays or obstacles. Because travel is heavier during the holidays, be prepared for flight delays and long lines. It is rare that travel plans happen exactly on time, especially during the holidays, so keep this in mind when planning departure and arrival times and when meeting people at airports and hotels. Leave yourself a little extra time to get to the airport and through security and pack a few toys to keep the kids occupied or a book to help you pass the time in case you get stuck waiting for a flight or a rental car.