How to Make Cheap Calls While Traveling Overseas

Even the most savvy of travelers have been dismayed to return home to cell phone bills with high international roaming rates and data charges, which can cost more than $3 a minute. By taking some time to plan and research before traveling, travelers can avoid these charges and get discounted local and international calls.

Tips For You

  1. Avoid using your mobile phone when traveling overseas. Cell phone companies tack on roaming charges of up to $3 a minute, especially if you will be making international calls while abroad. If you must use your cell phone abroad, contact your mobile provider before leaving. Most cell phone providers offer discounted per minute roaming charges for a flat monthly fee. Also inquire about data roaming plans if you plan to use email or Web access on your smart phone. If you will not be using your data abroad, make sure to disable incoming data on your phone before leaving.
  2. If you plan to make frequent phone calls once you are abroad, look into getting a local phone number. The proliferation of mobile phone technology around the world has led to a decrease in prices, allowing travelers to purchase a local phone, SIM card and pre-paid minutes at a reasonable cost. You can use the phone to make both local and international calls. Popular providers include Vodafone, Zain, Orange and MTN.
  3. If you do not need regular cell phone access while abroad, Skype offers users the opportunity to make discounted and free phone calls. Skype users can make unlimited telephone calls to numbers in over 40 countries for a flat monthly rate. Travelers can also take advantage of Skype's free video chat to connect with friends, family and co-workers back home.