Cheap Ways to Live in Hawaii

Hawaii is a beautiful state to visit or to live, with white sandy beaches, stunning views of the ocean, tall volcanic mountains and a warm, tropical climate. It is also known for its low crime rate and relaxed lifestyle, although the cost of living can be quite high. Fortunately, there are a variety of creative ways you can live quite cheaply in Hawaii.

Live With Someone

  • Sharing the expenses with a roommate is one way to cut the costs of living in Hawaii in half. Make arrangements to share all expenses from the rent, electric, gas, water and telephone to items such as grocery expenses. You can also carpool with your roommate, if you both work in the same area, to cut down on fuel costs.

Work for Someone

  • Working for a company or an individual that provides housing as an employment benefit is another way to live cheaply in Hawaii. Some types of jobs that include housing as a benefit include apartment maintenance or management jobs, park or golf course maintenance jobs and private positions working as a nanny or a live-in housekeeper or butler. There are also some hotel chains that provide housing for certain employees. Explore the job market before you move and set up interviews.

House Sitting

  • House sitting is another way to save paying rent while living in Hawaii. A house sitter is someone who tends a home that is for sale, or while the owners are away on vacation or business. The utility bills are already paid and most of these homes are furnished. All a house sitter has to do is keep the place neat and tidy and make sure no one vandalizes the home. The only expense a house sitter usually has is a grocery bill. You must be willing to move out quickly when the owners return or the home is sold, so it is usually a good idea to have some other house sitting offers set up for when one job is over.

Choose Public Transportation

  • Hawaii is home to a robust public transportation system, and the cost to ride a bus is reasonably low due to the smallness of the islands. By utilizing the public transportation, you can save on expenses such as gas, vehicle payments, vehicle maintenance and insurance. You can also purchase a lightweight bicycle to serve your transportation needs.